“Cannot say enough good things about Lisa. She is a food allergy expert! Finding a food allergy dietitian is rare - especially one that takes insurance. No amount of reading books, scrolling through social media, trying to figure out food labeling laws on our own could have been better than what Lisa was able to deliver in our appointments.

“We should have seen her when our son was first diagnosed and it would have been so much clearer from the start. She was so kind, so informative. She didn’t add to to the overwhelm the way some doctors have. She gave us a clear path, it was effortless to schedule with her. The telehealth offerings made it super easy to find time to schedule.

“Could go on and on! Anyone with food allergies needs to see her!”

— Nate D.

Lisa Woodruff, RDN

Lisa is a FARE-trained registered dietitian and food allergy mom. She helps families and individuals learn how to confidently manage food allergies while nurturing a healthy relationship with food. Lisa is a food allergy dietitian licensed to practice in Iowa, Illinois, and Nebraska. She also wrote the children’s book Be a Food Allergy Helper! and hosts the podcast Let’s Talk Food Allergies.


Nutrition Counseling Testimonial